TYPO3 Exception 1317178794

No file usage (sys_file_reference) found for given UID.

After adding a file mount

You'll probably get this error if you add a file mount after creating content containing images or links to files. (Using FAL.)


Check the Upgrade Wizard in the Install Tool to make sure that there are no outstanding FAL migration actions required.

If the error appears on every page, the issue may be that a content element or resource is being inherited from a different page (higher up the tree structure.)


There is a bug in TYPO3 6.2.15 which leads to a wrong SQL query. That will raise this exception.

SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=1 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0

Just make sure that your first several (maximum number of assigned file references to your extension table) records of the table sys_file_reference are not marked as deleted. If this SQL query executes successfully, then it will work.

From a eID script

This problem may happen if you are in the context of a eID script and you forgot to load the TCA from EXT:core (namely the TCA for sys_file and sys_file_reference.